how gorilla glue ruined my 4th of july

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 |
i had all these paint stick from left over painting projects and thought i could make something really cool and red white and blue.
i was wrong.
but only once.
well, maybe twice.
i had all these sticks, thinking they would be the same size. nope-the home depot ones are much thicker than the walmart ones.
i can work with that.
i masked off the bottom 1/3 of all the sticks, painting half red and half white. after they were dry, i remasked and painted the balance blue.
so far so good.

i lined them all up and the didnt match up.
i can still work with this people!

then i gorilla glued them and placed my sewing machine on top while it dried.

well it seems that gorilla glue SWELLS when it drys. and it made a swell mess all over.

even after scraping it looked like poo-
thankfully i have more sticks because until the gorilla glue expanded, this was looking like a cute little holiday project!
when i redo this project, i will post photos.

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tinahead81 said...

oh man! i hate craft fails!! lol i hope it works out better the next time around! this is a cool idea!

Leah @ A Butterfly In My Stomach said...

Thanks for posting...I have had several mishaps with projects...I am positive that it will look great again!

Stephanie said...

I still think you get an A for effort!

Journey to Living a Simple Life said...

Even though the flag did not turn out as you expected I think it is an awsome idea and cheap!!! I can't wait until you post pics after you redo it! I think I will try to make one as well for the 4th. Thanks for the great idea!

chris said...

Crud. Did it get all over your sewing machine too?

Mom2fur said...

First, what a cute idea! But I have to say, thank goodness the Gorilla glue didn't swell so much that the 'flag' stuck to your sewing machine!

Summer Miller said...

Such a cute idea. I would completely steal it except it would turn out all messed up 'cause that's how I roll.

JennyMac said...

I applaud your efforts! And I do some crafty things..I must get that glue (handle with care..I know!)

Amanda @ Healthy House on the Block said...

Argh! Darn gorilla glue!! :)

I love the idea of your project, though -- SO creative!!

Thank you so much for stopping by today!! :)

Amber D said...

It is a great idea let us see the redo when your done!

Unknown said...

I had no idea GGlue did that! I don't care - it's a darling project. And I always have a ton of paint sticks around.

Would love for you to link up to Fab Finds for the 4th - opens tonite @ 9 pm PST.

Sara said...

Hilarious...I had that same Gorilla Glue fail making a dollhouse for my niece. I was gluing flowers in flower pots and the glue swelled up out of the pots, like monster dirt. Argh. Darn you Gorilla Glue.

Angie Holden said...

ROFL! I am glad I am not the only one these types of things happen to!

Heather said...

That was a cute and creative idea. I woul dlike to see it when Gorilla Glue isn't ruining your life.

Terra Heck said...

It seems like all my projects turn out that way. That was just a draft. You'll do better on the next one.

Morgan//Nuts and Bows said...

Oh no!! I hate that! It was a totally great idea though!


Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!!
Meet Virginia!!!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Sorry, but your post did make me laugh. So I am grateful. I always love to laugh, sorry that it was at your expense.

I thought you were going to say that you couldn't get your sewing machine unstuck because of the glue. That would have gotten me a full belly laugh.

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

Way to go Gorilla Glue! What a party pooper! ha ha! Love this post and that flag would be so cute without the Gorilla Glue goop!

Maureen said...

I hate when that happens! But such a cute & clever idea. I'm sure you'll work it out.

Elder Esplin said...

Hey girlie! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leavin' me lots of love. So glad you did! As for your project...SHOOT! I hate it when stuff like that happens. I'm lovin' the idea. Can't wait to see what you do. Have a happy day!

Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

Anonymous said...

LOL. I have oops moments all the time. But I'm a brand new beginner at craft/DIY stuff. I love the idea of what you're doing. I hope you get it sorted out. Other than the gorilla goop, it's looking awesome! :)

Unknown said...

Bad Gorilla Glue....Bad! I look forward to how these do end up! Good luck.

Jo said...

looks like it was going to be a cute project! I hope the next one works for ya!

Annesphamily said...

That darn gorilla glue ruined my little bunny with the chubby belly and carrot in his hand. Argh...I love the project you were working on! Clever and cute! Happy 4th to you! ANne

Jenny said...

What a totally cute post on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "X"!

I bet this is going to be x-cellent when it's done! I can't wait to see when you have it all completed.

Thank you for linking.


Viki said...

Oh, I hate when that happens. Hope your next one comes out. It looks like it will be cute.

Sharon@Keen Inspirations said...

I had the same thing happen on a project....there oughta be a warning label on that Gorilla Glue!! Can't wait to see your redo!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I kind of like how it didn't match up at one side. It is unique, but I learn the lesson from gorilla glue since I've never work with it before.

Maggie said...

It was a good idea at the time!
Sorry your project went pear shaped, hope the next one works o.k.

Theresa Plas said...

Tee Hee! ThanX for the headZ up on Gorilla Glue! EXcellent X post! Happy X day!

Tina said...

Nice to meet you! What a totally clever idea, and what a bummer about the glue. Can't wait to see your finished product.

Sarah said...

Well, it does look like a clever project. Good luck with the next try. I'd love to see the photos. I'm not crafty, so I won't even try this. LOL
Happy 4th! ~ sarah

Staci said...

One word: DANG

Have you seen that pampers jeans ad? "I poo in blue"


But that line stuck when I read this post. Sorry.

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

Oh man! You get a full "Awwwww!" from in sympathy. I had read in blogland about this foamy Gorilla glue so when I went looking for it I avoided that kind. If you have more paint sticks you could paint them blue, glue them vertically on top of your gorilla glue sabotaged area and maybe embellish from there? You're smart, you've got this figured out!

laterg8r said...

when good projects go bad LOL :D

oh well, we only make each mistake once.

Decor To Adore said...

I adore your patriotic spirit. It is red, white and bluetiful!

I hope you'll stop by for my bbq on an Anthropologie inspired white tablecloth. :)

Unknown said...

well, it was an Xcellent idea, sorry the glue made a mess of your project. Hope the next one turns out just the way you want it!
Catherine :)

Christy said...

Too bad the glue expanded - super cute project.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

top x post!

Kate Riley said...

No worries my friend, I've had many a craft fail myself. You are funny ! Thanks for linking up to the party, Happy Fourth !


The Muse said...

Oh goodness, me...
That is indeed overwhelming!
I have never used that glue...
Who knew?

Your projects looked like they were going so well!

please come visit me at:
Where I too joined in the X-
Isn't Ms Jenny's class the most fun?

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Ah time to niX the gorilla glue! At least for this cute idea :o) Hope you neXt one works our better!

Blessings & Aloha!
Still trying to get to all my assigned X post readings... but if you can stop by, please leave a comment so that I know that you were there.

Megan B ♥ said...

Oh, that mean ol' gorilla glue!

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

I have a love hate relationship with Gorilla Glue. I have have learned ( the hard way) that a little goes a LONG way. It's still a cute idea. I don't know if this would work but go over the "bubbly" parts with some regular glue and sprinkle some glitter on top. My solution to craft fails is add more, cover it up, and say it was "artistically intentional" HA!

Cheryl said...

Reason #22,668,353 why I don't craft! I thought for sure the sewing machine was going to get stuck to the project!

- Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl said...

Oh no! I'm sorry the gorilla glue ruined your project. I haven't used it yet, but I'll have to be careful when I do!

KimMalk said...

Bummer, it was so promising too :(.

Jen @ said...

Oh no!!! It looked so cute too!! I am so sorry to hear that about Gorilla Glue. You should definitely do it over because it was a great idea!!


Kaysi @ Keeping it Simple said...

Cute idea! Sorry about the glue, that's the worse!

Nicholette said...

I love it that you're not too proud to talk about crafting mishaps, we all have them! Seriously though, it looks cute! Thanks for linking up!

Jess said...

I hope that the whole works didn't get stuck to the sewing machine cabinet. I am not a of GG for crafting for that reason.
Very cute idea though!!!

Its So Very Cheri said...

Hey girl this is darling. Gorilla Glue is one of the Sponsors over at DIYClubinc and so we have all used it a lot. Yes, it expands, yes it holds really well but if you use a flat head screwdriver andget your stars off, it can be scraped away, (dpending on how esily your stars will bend. It is actually kind of foamy and it can be pulled off (with some elbow grease strength), then you can sand over the areas the need the remainder off and redo your project. There are other Gorilla Glues that might be a better fix for you.

If you do use any of our sponsor products you can enter the contest--it starts Thursday night at 7 pm (@$200 prize package for July)


AUDRA said...

Sorry to hear about the glue. Great idea though! Can't wait to see the redue pictures

I love for you to stop by and link up to Socialize with me Monday til Sunday. Going on now! :)

Unknown said...

Aaww man - that is just horrible. It looks like a really cool project though! I hope you had one that turned out well.

Its So Very Cheri said...

Thanks for linking up. I have a couple of ideas for you. If you have a small sanding tool (dremel) you could clean it up. You could try using a hand sanding block or you can get a small screw driver and pry off your stars and sand and touch up your paint and then just redo your stars. You could even add a little glitter here and there.


Roeshel said...

So many roadblocks but it is adorable and I bet you could fix it like Cheri suggested. I found out the hard way with Gorilla Glue too - but it is awesome. ;)


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