so awhile back, i found these at savers. i knew someday we would be closer to spring and i could drag them out.
well, i guess february 15th isn't really close to spring. but i haven't crafted ANY st. pat's day stuff (but if you see some, send me a link!) and i think i am missing some spring/easter decorations.
i know why, but i hate to blame.
but i will...
for those of you who don't know, i have a REALLY bad back. i have ruined the discs between a few vertebra's and i'm not what you call limber. i don't lift unless i someone is bleeding or a bone is poking thru the skin.and i really can't bend. at all.
very sad for a woman at 38.75 years old.
so of course i let chris bring decoration boxes up and down the steps. and i rarely supervise.
so kinda my fault.
but not really.
actually, i will still blame him.
so i had my brother who is out here visiting from atlanta bring them up yesterday. i think i either need to...
1. find the rest of my decorations
2. make some more
3. spray paint anything that won't move green. (but what color green? apple?)
maybe all 3.
so yea, right now i have some flowers (with green stuff in the background) and a pot of gold coins.
i can do better than this...
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