the famous jedi costumes. i used mccalls costume pattern 268.
half the neighborhood ended up using this for their own jedi costumes.
different year same movie. simplicity pattern 4795.
hair by mary!
no pattern needed for han solo...just the thrift store for a vest and black pants. oh and a wig!
this one is from 1975. my dad made me and my little brother train engines.
i love the tin foil smoke!
this wasn't a halloween costume-my niece was having a farm themed party and i got dressed up!
it was the early-90s and those pants were suppose to be that high!
and this was my dad, about 1980.
i have no idea what he was dressed up as. he always put together his own costumes and surprised us each year.
i have no idea what he was dressed up as. he always put together his own costumes and surprised us each year.
he liked to scare kids.
target="_blank" title="Corner House Costume Party">

LOVE your SW costumes! I'm too lazy to amke my own, but when one of my bff's hosted a clone wars House Party, I started looking through our costumes for her: Yoda, Anakin, Rex, Cody, & Leia. Then I bought Boba, R2D2 & Padme for this year. Then I saw $5 costumes for Jango, Obiwan & Podracer Anakin at the store last I bought them. I think I have an addiction. Sigh.
Your Dad is pretty awesome. I would love it if you would link this post at my Halloween Costume Linky Party.
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