there are a group of young women in my neighborhood who i always give birthday and christmas gifts to. not all the same girls i went to camp with, just some of them.
this year, in the spirit of thrifty-ness, i came up with a brilliant idea!
one word people...
no one should be surprised.
but these turned out so very cool!
and cheap!
maybe free if you have the items in your stash of crafting/christmas stuff!
i got some christmas balls from the thrift store. these cost $1.
one thing i would do different...spray paint them all white/cream/light color. i had one ball that was painted cream and it was alot easier to work with than the lovely blue ones above.
next, find some tissue paper that you have been hoarding since last january.
pretty, huh?
you can either paper mache or modge podge the tissue to the balls.
i ripped my tissue up. but i guess you can leave it in one piece.
ripping is funner.
i would do half a ball, then put it on the top to dry and work on another. this took a few days as i had been sick. see the one in the front, 1st full ball on the right? that is the cream ball. it only took 1 coat of tissue. the rest took many.
of course, since this is a church group, i wanted to put something on the balls to help them remember the true meaning of christmas. so i printed out this scripture on regular printer paper.
'And they came with haste, and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger.'
i just modge podged the scripture on top then gave all the balls a spray of clear coat.
i had some funky rick rack ribbon that i cut and sewed into a circle for the hook.
and here is the finished project!

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