is she as talented as THIS aunt peg?------->
do you have a sister sally?
is she as fun as THIS sally?
does your aunt peg also have a recipe box?
THIS one does!
guess what these women have in common?
well, other than being sisters.
and not my sisters.
they are all having giveaways!
and because no one is entering, i am winning alot of them!
so maybe i shouldnt be tell you about these web sites...
oh, and if you are local (as in south west salt lake valley), aunt peg is having a party!
come get a preview of her wonderful jewerly and her great prices HERE.

I will have to check this out...I rarely win anything!
a giveaway? maybe you will have to share ;)
Beth this is an awesome link to our Give-A-Way pages!!! Thank you!
Your a true Aunt Peg family member!
Thanks For Sharing This Great Giveaway! I Love My Aunt Peg and Aunt Sally Too. HAVE A BLESS DAY!!!
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