years and years ago, i worked in the display department for a chain of stores call the bon ton. i had a strange, but good man named dave as my boss. he always talked about his daughter jennifer and i had met her a few times. i usually felt bad for her and her mom for putting up with dave.
almost 20 years later jennifer and i met up on face book and became fast friends.
she is EXTREAMELY crafty, loves shoes and has 2 boys. one of which is named nate!
match made in heaven i say!
well, except for the fact that she now lives in georgia and i'm in utah.
she made this fantastic wreath for christmas and i was so freaking jealous! browns and greens were the colors i wanted to use for my christmas this year. but thankfully, we are miles apart and no one will know that we copied each other!
here is jennifers wreath.
and i wanted it.
i ran to michaels for some ribbon (50% off!) but didn't like the balls.
and i didn't see any HUGE grapevine wreaths (we have an 8' door so we need a big wreath).
after hitting a thrift store, i remember that i had one in the basement i could use.
i ended up getting some green and brown balls at walmart.
here is the before.
i threw away all the red stuff but kept the green eucalyptus because it was glittery and i think i'm going to use it on one of my trees.
then i spray painted the wreath with krylon champagne nouveau.
mostly because jennifer did that.
i wrapped the ribbon around (again, see jennifer's) and made a cool looking bow.
i hot glued the balls on and i might add some more hot glue later.
(it has been windy out here)
so here is my try at jennifer's wreath.
hers is still cooler.
i might have to unfriend her.
i might have to unfriend her.

i like yours better!
I love them both! But I have got to say that I LOVE reading your posts. Without fail they always make me laugh! This was a good one, and I needed something funny! Awesome, and thanks BA!
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