about a year ago i made some frames with my friend
heather at a craft night. she used to do this all the time. just find idea for crafts, have friends place orders, and meet up. of course, there would be food-because why craft with friends if there wasnt food? she let me join her group for
these projects and i only made the frames.
and for whatever reason, i painted mine red with black crackley finish.
nothing in my home matches that.
so for a year they sat in the corner of the craft room, slowly being buried by other un-finished projects, bags of things i got on sale at hobby lobby and empty bags of swedish fish.
then someone thought it would be a good idea to clean the craft room. (that someone was me. i was looking for hidden easter gifts. i got distracted and never finished looking for them.)
now the frames are fine, just painted in the most ugly way possible.
in another move of genius, i thought id paint them cool blue breeze
(no i dont get paid everytime i use that color and blog about it. but i should!)
and use a white crackley finish on top.
i know-so far so good.
'ba,' you are thinking to yourself, 'how could you mess this up?'
then i went to use the white and realized I HAVE NO CRACKLE FINISH. no fear-i remember reading on the interwebs that you could use white elemer's glue.
so i googled it and yup-you sure can-just water in down a bit.
then (i know-this is longer than you thought it would be!) i realized that i dont have elmer's.
only gorella wood glue.
so i watered it down and got to work.
mostly because i am extreamely inpatient and i wanted these done NOW!
i should have waited.
or called a friend.
i have a few and i bet one would happen to have some elmer's glue.
and i bet they would even let me use it.
so it kinda worked out, but not as crackey as i would have liked.
but at least it doesnt look like it belongs on the cover of a twilight book.
ps-you can look at the projects on heathers page, but HOLY CRAP i was fat then! i have lost 20+ lbs since then and look tons better!
im linking up to someday crafts
and santas gift shoppe and remodleaholic